By Karyn Strickler
Because American voters want to prioritize climate-action in the voting booth, Vote Climate U.S. PAC is releasing our 2024 Presidential, Congressional and Gubernatorial, Voter’s Guide, making us the only website in the country to provide a climate change Voter’s Guide for candidates for POTUS, Governors, U.S. House, U.S. Senate and Statehouses (partial) all in one convenient, user friendly site, making it a unique resource. (Always click the green + button to the left of the candidate’s name, for detailed research and sources.)
American voters will also be able to use Vote Climate U.S. PAC’s Voter’s Guide to see if a candidate supports Roe v. Wade, the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion. The right to choose safe and legal abortion is a fundamental human right and is a top priority voting issue.

On June 24, 2022 the U.S. Supreme Court took away American women’s essential right to bodily autonomy when they overturned Roe v. Wade. Just like climate change, the inevitable compulsory pregnancy that results from losing access to abortion, poses an existential threat to American women. It threatens their lives and health, imposing crippling economic hardships on them and their families. Unwanted pregnancies and births stress the environment, driving climate change and related weather extremes. Now with our Voter’s Guide, Americans can elect pro-choice, climate-action candidates.
We are the only website in the country that gives incumbents and challengers for POTUS, Governor, U.S. House and U.S. Senate a Climate Calculation, a score ranging from Climate Hero to Climate Zero, helping Americans to vote for climate action. Like most Voter’s Guides, we score incumbents on pivotal climate votes in Congress. But Vote Climate U.S. PAC is the only organization that goes well beyond votes to assess incumbent’s position: what do candidates say about the issue; leadership: what do they do; and putting a fee on carbon polluters. (For more details see our 2024 U.S. House and U.S. Senate — Incumbent Scoring Criteria and 2024 U.S. House and U.S. Senate — Challenger Scoring Criteria)
Our incumbent Governor’s Voter’s Guide also looks at their climate plan. We want to see: support for using 100% renewables by 2030; keeping fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) in the ground; support for zero human-made, greenhouse gas emissions by 2050; and support for at least one of four particular types of carbon dioxide removal, not carbon capture and sequestration,” said Strickler. (For more detail see our Scoring Criteria for Incumbent Governors and Scoring Criteria for Gubernatorial Challengers.)
The following categories, analyzing the politics of climate change, are also updated:
· Climate Heroes: Incumbents and Challengers Who Rated 100%
· Climate Zeroes: Incumbents and Challengers Who Rated 0 %
· Best to Worst Individual Incumbents and Challengers on Climate Change
Our Voter’s Guide helps every American to prioritize reproductive choice and climate action, from the statehouse with a stop in the White House, the halls of Congress and the Governor’s mansion. In fact, if used as intended to create a large, climate-action majority, our Voter’s Guides will revolutionize the politics of climate change.
Karyn Strickler is the founder and President of Vote Climate U.S. PAC.
This announcement from Vote Climate U.S. Pac was published on October 8, 2024.