RIVERA SUN – From mass refusals to boycotts to walkouts, regular Americans are bravely pushing back against the administration. Their actions are diverse and multiplying — and already having an impact.
Category: What’s Happening In the Movement
There’s a new silent majority — and they need to be activated
NATHAN STOCK – Most Americans still support democracy and oppose political violence. The task before us then is to build a vocal majority, planning and organizing across the political divide to stand up for the values that so many of us share.
Alert! More Nuclear Power Bills Scheduled for Senate Hearing
OREGON PEACEWORKS – More Nuclear Power Bills are scheduled for Senate Hearing.
How movements can make courts play their role in defending democracy
DOUG COLTART – Even under authoritarian regimes, pro-democracy movements can still advance their goals by strategically engaging the courts.
The Legislature, Oregon AG, Governor Tina Kotek, and Relevant Agencies Take on Trump’s Depredations
OREGON HOUSE DEMOCRATS – In addition to the legislature, Oregon’s Governor, Attorney General and relevant agencies are working to respond to the harmful actions of the current administration. Here is an up-to-date timeline of Oregon’s response.
How to Make an Impact at a Protest
LAURIE WOODWARD GARCIA – Protesting is a powerful tool for civic engagement, allowing individuals to voice their concerns, demand change, and unite with others around shared causes. To make the most of your participation, it’s essential to be prepared, informed, and strategic. Here’s a guide to help you make a meaningful impact at a protest.
From Dread to Defiance: US Resistance Is Rising … And It’s Working
RIVERA SUN – In the United States, this week (Jan. 27-Feb. 2) [saw] both authoritarian moves from the Trump/Vance Administration … and a heartening surge of resistance. In dramatic ways, people are shifting from paralyzed dread to outraged defiance. And defiance is working.
“Choose Democracy” offers needed perspective on Trump
GEORGE LAKEY – Trump can lose when we fight. He is not invincible and he is not all powerful.
43 Lawmakers Back Youth in Climate Case Against US Government
JESSICA CORBETT – A 17-year-old plaintiff commended the federal lawmakers for “using their voices to weigh in on the importance of our rights to access justice and to a livable climate.”
Archiving as resistance to genocide denial in Gaza
ELEFTHERIA KOUSTA – Law for Palestine members discuss their database of genocidal statements by leading Israeli figures and how it can help defend human rights.
Guide to Preserving Sacred Land Near You
JIMMY VIDELE – Preserving biodiversity is among the most urgent issues of our time, and it needs to be addressed regionally to succeed.
How a Community Collaborative in Arkansas Is Pioneering Solutions to Long-Standing Social Problems
DAMON ORION – Sankofa Village Arkansas is building an “intentional community centering Black healing, liberation, and regeneration.”
Nonviolence News Reports 366+ Success Stories in 2024
RIVERA SUN – Upon reflection, 2024 was not just a year of disaster and political upheaval. It was also the year that Julian Assange was finally freed. It was the year Net Neutrality was restored. It was the year that corrupt leaders fell from power in South Korea and Bangladesh. When we remember all of these, we also remember the most important thing of all: nonviolent action achieved all this. What will we use nonviolence to accomplish in 2025?
Enrollment in Nature Schools Soars as Families Rediscover the Benefits of Outdoor Learning
DAMON ORION – Nature schools are taking education outside the box.
A history of success drives the ongoing struggle to clean up Cancer Alley
SUE INCHES – Despite years of polluter pushback and environmental racism, Cancer Alley communities in Louisiana are still fighting for a healthier environment for everyone.
What’s the best gift for relationships this holiday season? Understanding ourselves
MELINDA BURRELL – If we’re hoping for connection rather than conflict this holiday season, we can start with ourselves. We can learn to pay attention to our bodies, our emotions, our words, and our thinking. Self-awareness might be the best gift we can give our relationships this holiday season.
White House Tree-Lighting Vigil Centers Christ in the Rubble
LAURIE GOGNE – While the Biden administration proclaims “a season of Light and Peace” as the theme of its Christmas celebrations this year and thousands gathered in Washington on December 5th to view the lighting of the White House tree, a group of around 50 activists held another kind of commemoration of Jesus’s birth.
This Year’s Nobel Peace Prize Focuses on Nuclear Weapons Abolition
PHYSICIANS FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY – In Japan, the survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are known as Hibakusha. The Hibakusha have worked heroically and successfully to prevent any additional wartime nuclear attacks. Today in Oslo, the Norwegian Nobel Committee awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to Nihon Hidankyo “for its efforts to achieve a world free of nuclear weapons and for demonstrating through witness testimony that nuclear weapons must never be used again.” Nihon Hidankyo translates as “The Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations.”
University of Toronto students score a win for the climate – and campus protests more broadly
NICK ENGELFRIED – As student dissent faces widespread crackdowns, a victory over fossil fuel influence at the University of Toronto offers hope and inspiration.
In times of crisis we need more people power – mass trainings are the key
PAUL ENGLER – For movements trying to harness the energy that emerges during political upheavals, mass training provides a crucial means to develop leadership and bring in new participants.
Community Support Helps Keep the Orca Book Cooperative Stay Afloat
DAMON ORION – When COVID-19 hit, U.S. bookshops were an endangered species. Olympia, Washington’s largest independent bookstore survived by embracing the co-op model.
How the Dutch Climate Movement Won an Environmental Breakthrough
PAUL ENGLER – An innovative Extinction Rebellion campaign to end fossil fuel subsidies offers key lessons for the global movement.
A New Wave of Movements against Trumpism is coming
MARK ENGLER and PAUL ENGLER – Our past experience tells us that coming months and years will offer moments that trigger public revulsion. Social movements provide a unique mechanism for responding, creating common identity and purpose between strangers and allowing genuine, collective participation in building a better democracy. If we are to make it together through Trump’s second presidency and emerge in its aftermath to create the world we need, this may be our greatest hope. Indeed, it may be our only one.
Montana’s First Worker Cooperative Is In It for the Long Haul
DAMON ORION – The custom steel fabrication and design company Crucible built a “gravel road” for other Montana worker co-ops to follow.
Five Ways to Approach the Election with a Movement Mindset
RAE ABILEAH and ANDREW BOYD – Distilling hard-earned lessons from election dilemmas faced by earlier social movements, here are five key insights to consider.
This activist group chat has been blocking a weapons shipment to Israel for weeks
MADISON BANNON – A South African WhatsApp group working with Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, or BDS, has sparked a movement to block a ship carrying military explosives bound for Israel.
Amazing True Story About Mutual Understanding on the Abortion Issue
JOSH SABEY – When political rivals meet behind closed doors, positive changes can occur in everyone involved,
Kris Kristofferson: His Anti-War Legacy Amidst His Musical Career
CHRIS HOUSTON – American country musician Kris Kristofferson was a military veteran and anti-war activist. He continued his advocacy against the Gulf Wars and benefit concerts for Palestinian children despite the negative impacts that both had on his career. Kristofferson died on September 28 at his home in Hawaii, aged 88. Stephen Miller’s 2009 biography quotes Kristofferson, “I found a considerable lack of work after doing concerts for the Palestinian children and for a couple of gigs with Vanessa Redgrave and if that’s the way it has to be, that’s the way it has to be. If you support human rights, you gotta support them everywhere.”
In the Heart of Wall Street, Rights of Nature Activists Put the Fossil Fuel Era on Trial
KATIE SURMA – What would the world look like if legal systems rendered decisions based on what was best for the integrity of ecosystems? A people’s tribunal on the “rights of nature” is providing a model.
Georgia’s Repressive Tactics Unravel In ‘Stop Cop City’ Case
FIGHT BACK! NEWS – Georgia’s aggressive prosecution of activists in the Stop Cop City case is part of a larger trend across the U.S., where the state increasingly treats protest movements as threats to national security rather than expressions of democratic dissent.
Jury defies judge and refuses to convict Palestine Action activists
SKWAWKBOX – A jury at Bradford Crown Court has defied a judge’s attempts to rule out any legal argument about the imperative of disrupting Israel’s genocide in Gaza and has refused to convict four Palestine Action ‘actionists’ who caused over half a million pounds’ worth of damage to a Teledyne weapons factory supplying missile parts to Israel.
‘Failure of Leadership’: Hoffa Rips O’Brien Over Teamsters’ Snub of Harris
JON QUEALLY – If Trump ultimately wins, Greenhouse said, the snub of Harris may be something O’Brien and the Teamsters “end up regretting because a second Trump administration will probably be even more of a danger to unions (and democracy) than the first one.”
Campaign Nonviolence Organizes 5,209 Peace Activities Worldwide
CAAMPAIGN NONVIOLENCE – A culture of active nonviolence is powerful. It’s visionary. It’s active. It’s disruptive. It’s healing and transforming. And it’s here now.
To address the climate emergency, foundations must spend big on movements
MARGARET KLEIN SALAMON – Philanthropy has a unique and critical role to play in addressing the climate emergency. By acknowledging the calamity we face and adjusting their operations, philanthropies can lead society into the “emergency mode” necessary to avert disaster. The time for half-measures, white papers and panel discussions is over. Philanthropy must act now, boldly and decisively, to help save our planet for future generations.
Campus Protests: How to Lose
DR. TOM H. HASTINGS – Basic Negotiation 101: Make a demand. Let the other party know what your best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA) is. Stick to it and impose costs if you are able. Do so without rancor or identity slurs, which saves face for everyone. Preserving everyone’s dignity in the throes of conflict is crucial and ultimately allows your enemy to become your opponent and ultimately your partner in a collaborative path forward.
The quiet rollout of Cop Cities across the US meets a growing resistance
VICTORIA VELENZUELA – As Cop Cities spread to nearly every state, grassroots activists are pushing back by forming coalitions that press for investment in communities over militarized policin
California city’s $550m deal with Chevron could be a national model for environmentalists
WILL MCCARTHY – California environmentalists have a new playbook for beating Big Oil.
Movement media organizations are coming together to build power
MAYA SCHENWAR and LARA WITT – Fourteen values-aligned organizations have formed the Movement Media Alliance, a new coalition of social justice-driven journalism platforms aimed at sharing resources and transforming the news.
Venezuela offers inspiration and an election warning
CLIFTON ROSS and MARCY REIN – Venezuelan democracy defenders are showing that the conflict isn’t about left versus right — it’s about opening a space to struggle for genuine freedom and democracy.
US atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki remembered amid growing threat of nuclear war
ABDUL RAHMAN – Over 50,000 people, including representatives from 109 countries, joined an event marking the 79th anniversary of the US’s bombing of Hiroshima. The main ceremony was held at Hiroshima’s Peace Memorial Park on Tuesday, August 6.
Extinction Rebellion: Navigating the Great Paradox of Climate Action
GAIA MARTINO – The core characteristics of XR are all part of a strategy of political prefiguration. As a young female foreigner, Gaia Martino witnessed first-hand XR’s efforts to be as inclusive as possible and to adopt a care culture coherent with the group’s vision for change. As a participant of many organizational meetings, Marino also witnessed first-hand XR’s successful efforts to grant organizing autonomy to local chapters. Nonviolent action, inclusivity, autonomy and care culture are all coherent with XR’s design to create a paradigm shift in how people organize for environmental justice. To obtain a culture that will heal the planet as well as society, we must rise above the paradox that climate action must simultaneously be local and transcend the local. And for this, everyone must believe they can play a small part in shaping, setting up and enacting change.
“Beat Trump” is the Wrong Message
PETER BERGEL – By now everyone who could be recruited by the “Beat Trump” message has been recruited. People who fear the autocracy and unhinged “leadership” Trump offers need to recruit to our ranks the uncommitteds and those who don’t trust the Establishment. To accomplish that, three messages must characterize the upcoming campaign. Everyone can help by steering discussions to address these points and lobbying prominent Democrats.
Can Humanity Repair Its Relationship With Nature? Weaving Earth Education Center Offers a Promising Path
DAMON ORION – Weaving Earth Education Center, an all-ages education center, reminds us that “we are a part of this earth, not apart from it.”
Victims Win Historic Victory Against Chiquita in Colombia Paramilitary Case
DANIELA DIAZ RANGEL and JOSHUA COLLINS – The ruling against the banana giant formerly known as United Fruit makes history in holding a U.S. company liable for abuses committed abroad. Lawyers say the case is just the beginning.
The only antidote to election anxiety is training to confront Trump’s threat
GEORGE LAKEY – No matter the outcome in November, we need training to transform despair into action and to build the kind of solidarity that offers protection.
California Communities Celebrate ‘Massive’ Victory as Oil Industry Drops Unpopular Referendum
LIZA GROSS – The oil industry withdrew its $40 million campaign to kill a historic law to protect neighborhoods from oil drilling’s toxic effects, but is threatening to challenge the measure in court.
Reaching Across the Generations to Oppose War
DONNA PARK – Relying on the force of law instead of the law of force is a better way to address conflicts among nations and, in this fashion, keep us all safe and secure.
Joint Statement of U.S. Government Officials who have Resigned over U.S. policy towards Gaza, Palestine, and Israel
JOSH PAUL (for himself and eleven other former U.S. government officials) – We are former U.S. Government Officials who resigned from our respective positions over the last nine months due to our grave concerns with current U.S. policy towards the crisis in Gaza, and U.S. policies and practices towards Palestine and Israel more broadly.
One woman just brought the entire UK fossil fuels industry to its knees
THE CANARY – A landmark decision by the UK Supreme Court on Thursday June 20 has raised major barriers to all new fossil fuel projects across the UK, including the proposed new coal mine in Cumbria and the Rosebank oil field in the North Sea.
Minding the Debate: What’s Happening to Our Brains During Election Season
MELINDA BURRELL – Some of us are convening watch parties and others deliberately will not tune in. Either way, the June 27 presidential debate is the real start of the election season, when more Americans start to pay attention. It’s when partisan rhetoric runs hot and emotions run high. It’s also a chance for us, as members of a democratic republic. How? By setting expectations for ourselves and our leaders. A peek at our neurobiology can help us make this debate something we learn from rather than something that divides us further.