JAKE WERNER – China bashing is a dead end for Democrats.
The Growing Case for Medicare for All
ANDREW MOSS – In recent weeks, Harris has said that although her policy positions may have changed, her values haven’t. If she is elected president, she should seize the opportunity to align her values – healthcare as a right, not a commodity – with policies that offer the best chance of realizing those values fully.
The quiet rollout of Cop Cities across the US meets a growing resistance
VICTORIA VELENZUELA – As Cop Cities spread to nearly every state, grassroots activists are pushing back by forming coalitions that press for investment in communities over militarized policin
60 Years After Lyndon Johnson’s “Daisy Ad,” the Silence on Nuclear War Is Dangerous
NORMAN SOLOMON – “These are the stakes,” Johnson said in the daisy ad as a mushroom cloud rose on screen, “to make a world in which all God’s children can live, or to go into the dark.” Those are still the stakes. But you wouldn’t know it now from either of the candidates vying to be the next president of the United States.
California city’s $550m deal with Chevron could be a national model for environmentalists
WILL MCCARTHY – California environmentalists have a new playbook for beating Big Oil.
Movement media organizations are coming together to build power
MAYA SCHENWAR and LARA WITT – Fourteen values-aligned organizations have formed the Movement Media Alliance, a new coalition of social justice-driven journalism platforms aimed at sharing resources and transforming the news.