MAYS SMITHWICK and JACQUI DRECHSLER – With the passing of the ADVANCE Act (S870, section B), or the Accelerating Deployment of Versatile, Advanced Nuclear for Clean Energy Act, the nuclear lobby has seized our democratic processes and co-opted the climate movement with pervasive lies and profit grabbing. The bipartisan support of the bill arose through widespread corruption, coupled with a nearsighted fantasy of innovation. The already-underregulated nuclear industry has now obtained the legislative means to sacrifice a survivable future for all living things.
“Beat Trump” is the Wrong Message
PETER BERGEL – By now everyone who could be recruited by the “Beat Trump” message has been recruited. People who fear the autocracy and unhinged “leadership” Trump offers need to recruit to our ranks the uncommitteds and those who don’t trust the Establishment. To accomplish that, three messages must characterize the upcoming campaign. Everyone can help by steering discussions to address these points and lobbying prominent Democrats.
Trump Lied About Immigrant Violence
MATT SHUHAM – Over and over at [last] week’s Republican National Convention, politicians who know better — or who ought to — falsely said or implied that undocumented migrants and asylum seekers pose an unthinkable criminal threat to innocent, native-born Americans. The reality is the opposite
Can Humanity Repair Its Relationship With Nature? Weaving Earth Education Center Offers a Promising Path
DAMON ORION – Weaving Earth Education Center, an all-ages education center, reminds us that “we are a part of this earth, not apart from it.”
Victims Win Historic Victory Against Chiquita in Colombia Paramilitary Case
DANIELA DIAZ RANGEL and JOSHUA COLLINS – The ruling against the banana giant formerly known as United Fruit makes history in holding a U.S. company liable for abuses committed abroad. Lawyers say the case is just the beginning.
The World Is Headed Toward Nuclear War
GERRY CONDON – Nuclear War Is Imminent — Unless the U.S. Embraces Peace – and Soon!