ARNOLD OLIVER – The lessons to be learned from the events in Munich in 1938, in which Prime Minister Chamberlain signed off on the Nazi seizure of Czechoslovakia, are of course relevant, but they have also been used to justify all manner of wars and violence that have had little justification. Perhaps even worse, the Munich analogy has been used to justify the refusal to negotiate with adversaries. Were it up to me, Arnold Oliver, I would banish that analogy from the English lexicon. I will briefly explain my reasoning.
How movements can make courts play their role in defending democracy
DOUG COLTART – Even under authoritarian regimes, pro-democracy movements can still advance their goals by strategically engaging the courts.
The Legislature, Oregon AG, Governor Tina Kotek, and Relevant Agencies Take on Trump’s Depredations
OREGON HOUSE DEMOCRATS – In addition to the legislature, Oregon’s Governor, Attorney General and relevant agencies are working to respond to the harmful actions of the current administration. Here is an up-to-date timeline of Oregon’s response.
Peltier’s Release: The Backstory
ROBERT C. KOEHLER – “. . . I write today from a position rare for a former prosecutor: to beseech you to commute the sentence of a man I helped put behind bars.” Thus begins one of the most stunning letters Robert Koehler has ever read, written almost four years ago by former U.S. Attorney James H. Reynolds to President Joe Biden, pleading with him to exonerate former American Indian Movement (AIM) leader Leonard Peltier
How to Make an Impact at a Protest
LAURIE WOODWARD GARCIA – Protesting is a powerful tool for civic engagement, allowing individuals to voice their concerns, demand change, and unite with others around shared causes. To make the most of your participation, it’s essential to be prepared, informed, and strategic. Here’s a guide to help you make a meaningful impact at a protest.
The Trump/Musk Wrecking Ball Must Be Stopped
RIVERA SUN – It doesn’t matter if you voted for or against Trump in the last election. This chaos isn’t what any of us voted for. Musk with unlimited powers isn’t something we voted for. The destruction of the United States isn’t something we voted for. This illegal, unconstitutional, anti-American authoritarianism isn’t something we voted for.