TODD DIEHL – As September 11, 2001 reaches its 10th anniversary, I would like to propose an alternative: Love Your Enemy. We have all witnessed the actions of a nation focused on hate and revenge. Now it is time to move our hearts and turn our focus to actions based on love, reconciliation, and healing. As Martin Luther King, Jr, said, “It is love that will save our civilization; love even for our enemies.â€
American Public Shows How it Would Cut the Budget Deficit
WORLD PUBLIC OPINION.ORG – An innovative study has found that when a representative sample of the American public was presented the federal budget, they proposed changes far different from those the Obama administration or the Republican-led House have proposed.
Deconstructing the “Federal Debt Crisisâ€
SAM PIZZIGATI – Once upon a time in America, back a century ago, our nation’s rich paid virtually nothing in taxes to the federal government. And that same federal government did virtually nothing to better the lives of average Americans.
The Real Significance of the Debt Ceiling Debate
DAVE COHEN – It is mid-July, and the debt ceiling hysteria is peaking. What is the significance of this debate? What is its real meaning for ordinary Americans? These questions can be answered at two different levels, from inside the consensual reality box and from outside that box (and see here).
Conventional Wisdom Challenged: Technology is NOT Neutral
MICKEY Z – “The truth has to be repeated,†wrote Pakistani scholar Eqbal Ahmad. “It doesn’t become stale just because it has been told once. So keep repeating it. Don’t bother about who has listened, who not listened… the media and the other institutions of power are so powerful that telling the truth once is not enough. You’ve got to keep repeating different facts, prove the same point.â€
Wouldn’t It Be Nice: The “There’s Plenty of Money Actâ€of 2012
DAVID SWANSON – [Just so there’s no confusion, this is NOT a real congressional bill. But it should be! – Ed.]
To highly resolve that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the United States of America.
This Act may be cited as the Start Doing Our Damn Jobs Act of 2012.