Two Events to Feature Claude AnShin Thomas

CLAUDE ANSHIN THOMAS: Highly decorated combat veteran, zen priest, world renowned retreat leader, and public speaker Claude AnShin Thomas will facilitate a meeting with soldiers/veterans and peace activists to address the painful alienation often existing between them at 4 p.m. Sunday November 22, 2009 above the Tea Party Bookshop, 210 Liberty Street N.E. Salem, OR.

Iconic Farm Worker Organizer to Speak in Salem Oct. 21

DOLORES HUERTA: The annual Salem Peace Lecture will celebrate its 20th year by presenting United Farm Worker union organizer Dolores Huerta on Wednesday, October 21 at 7:30 p.m. at Hudson Hall in the Mary Stuart Rogers Music Center at Willamette University. Ms. Huerta will speak on “Immigration Reform and Farm Worker Justice.” The lecture is free and open to the public.

Are You Getting OPW’s Emails?

OREGON PEACEWORKS: OPW periodically sends out information about current events, OPW projects, new PeaceWorker postings, other groups’ projects, and more. If we have your email address, we have added it to our lists, but if we don’t, we can’t send you any of this great stuff.