Tag: H-Bomb

Backstory of the New START Treaty Revealed

JOHN LAFORGE – Last May the Obama administration promised $80 billion to the nuclear weapons establishment for “modernizing” the arsenal. Three large H-bomb laboratories will share about $10 billion annually to “upgrade” U.S. warheads, and they will get equal sums for the next 10 years. The funds are for a new $4.5 billion “Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement” complex at Los Alamos, New Mexico; a new $3.5 billion “Uranium Processing Facility” at the Y-12 lab in Tennessee; and a couple billion more for a replacement “Kansas City Plant” in Missouri that will make nonnuclear parts for the warheads. With the buildup, the U.S. will be able to quadruple its current warhead production capacity from 20 to 80 per year, according to Nuclear Watch New Mexico.