Israeli Teens Break Law, Refuse to Serve, Explain Why

Focusfrom PeaceWork Magazine Nov. 2008

In the spring of 2008, a group of high school seniors followed in the tradition of earlier teenaged Israeli conscientious objectors (traditionally referred to as the shministim) and publicly declared their refusal to serve in the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) as required by law. Four women COs, signatories of the 2008 high school seniors’ refusal letter, have been sentenced to brief prison terms this fall, and may face further punishment. Others will be sentenced soon. For updates, visit the campaign’s Facebook page (search for “shministim”) or visit

Teens Oppose Occupation and Oppression

We are a group of Jewish-Israeli teens who are refusing to join the IDF for it has been occupying the Palestinian territories since 1967.kafoury

In Israel, the law ruled that every 18-year-old healthy, Jewish, Israeli, teenager is to join the military (this varies between 2-3 years and sometimes more). Our group is refusing for political reasons, standing up against the occupation and declaring: we will not support it!

The Six Day War broke out on June 5th, 1967 and Israel has not left the West Bank since. Gaza strip was conquered too, and military forces still rule the place.

We are saying “End the Occupation in the Palestinian Territories.”shministim1

Join our struggle and support our cause. Here we will be available to provide you with more information about the subject. We want and need your support. Sign the petition, join and support us and spread the love we are trying to promote!

We want to end occupation, we want to change the face of the militaristic Israeli society to make it a better place. We want peace. Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel.

To offer support go to Φ

Editor’s note: “Shministim” means “twelfth graders.”


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