Farewell April Wynkoop, Hello Donna Gerry

by Peter Bergel

The friendly voice you’re most likely to hear when you telephone OPW is that of our Office Manager, April Wynkoop. After almost two years with OPW, during which she made the office hum and handled all the details that make the difference between a smooth functioning organization and one that staggers along, April is leaving us.

Her life’s path is taking her to new adventures in North Carolina so she will leave our office on March 1. However, she is not leaving OPW entirely. When she moves, she will take on the role of PeaceWorker ad salesperson from afar. She will be restructuring the advertising for both the printed and online PeaceWorkers because the old advertising structure no longer works with the many changes The PeaceWorker has gone through over the past year.

We wish April the greatest success and happiness in her new endeavors and look forward to continuing our productive relationship with her in her new ad sales position.

April’s place as Office Manager will be taken by Donna Gerry, who formerly owned and managed three massage schools and clinics in California. Donna is a lifelong peace activist who migrated to Oregon in 2006 and is thrilled to have the opportunity to work with Oregon PeaceWorks. She cut her activist teeth in opposition to the Vietnam War and later took part in opposing U.S. policy in Central America and Iraq. More recently, she attended the Bioneers Conference. She is also an organic gardener and hold a BA in International Studies from Cal State University.

We selected Donna from an unusually strong pool of applicants for the position and anticipate that she will give terrific service to OPW. Φ

Photo of April Wynkoop: Facebook.com

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