Join Independence from Oil Visual Demo

by Sarah Hodgdon

The President got it right when he said, “The millions of gallons of oil that have spilled into the Gulf of Mexico are more like an epidemic.”

But we can’t be content with just treating the symptoms of this epidemic. We must call on President Obama to find a cure, and that means ending our addiction to oil.

Join one of the Sierra Club’s largest visual displays ever as we call for Freedom from Oil this Independence Day.

Plant a virtual flag on our website and we’ll recreate the scene in Washington DC with 10,000 American flags spelling out ‘Freedom from Oil’ right in front of the Washington Monument — just days before July 4th — where Congress and the White House are sure to notice.

Plant a flag to show your outrage at how BP has failed miserably — first at preventing the disaster and now at stopping the flow of oil.

Plant a flag to stand in solidarity with Gulf Coast communities — the businesses, people and wildlife that have been impacted by the disaster.

Plant a flag for our Freedom from Oil — to tell President Obama we need a plan to get us off oil in twenty years.

The BP disaster is a wake up call. Americans across the country must join together to call for action NOW.

After planting your flag, help us spread the word by telling your family and friends about our campaign and we’ll send you a free Beyond Oil window decal.

Together, we can win our Freedom from Oil and ensure that a disaster like this never happens again — plant your flag today!

Thanks for all that you do to protect our environment. Please forward this message and help spread the word to your friends and family! Φ

Sarah Hodgdon is Conservation Director for the Sierra Club

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