Events Calendar Moved to Oregon Progressive Network

Oregon PeaceWorks’ events calendar has been combined with the calendar offered by Oregon Progressive Network (OPN). See it here.

If you want your calendar item to be posted, just join OPN (it’s free!) and post it yourself. You’ll have complete control over what it looks like and what it says, plus it will be automatically sent out to the contact people for all of OPN’s 87 member groups. Member groups are encouraged to alert their own members to upcoming items of interest. This is as close as Oregon has ever come to having a statewide calendar.

Other benefits of joining OPN include:

  • Having your organization’s own web page that broadcasts whatever information about your group you want to tell the world,
  • Having a convenient way to communicate with all other OPN member groups,
  • Having access to resources posted by other groups and the ability to post your own,
  • Having access to eletter, petitioning, fundraising and boycott tools,
  • Having write access to the OPN blog.

With so much to gain and nothing to lose why not become a member of OPN?  Visit now.  Φ

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