GMO Ban Passes in Jackson & Josephine Counties

By Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides

Voters in Jackson and Josephine Counties of Oregon took a huge step [three weeks ago] when they voted to ban cultivation of genetically modified crops in their counties. They overcame out-of-state spending led by Monsanto and Syngenta that amounted to about $1 million (or almost $10 for every registered voter).

The effort to ban GMOs in Jackson County started two years ago when organic farmers learned the Swiss company Syngenta was growing sugar beet seed in local fields that was genetically altered to resist the pesticides in Monsanto’s weed killer Roundup. They wanted to protect their crops from being cross-pollinated by genetically modified ones. Monsanto and its allies pushed hard to win this one. But they failed. Congratulations, Jackson and Josephine Counties!

Next up: the voters in Oregon will build on this momentum and vote on labeling of foods containing GMOs in November. You can stand with the people of Oregon, whether you live here or not, and help us pass the GMO Labeling Initiative. Because what happens next in Oregon will have huge national and global implications.Φ

Click here to sign a petition of support.

The Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides (NCAP) works to protect community and environmental health and inspire the use of ecologically sound solutions to reduce the use of pesticides. Our programs are diverse, benefitting both rural and urban communities.

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