New Tool for Communities on How to Promote Peace

By The Community Tool Box

Promoting Peace is a free online resource offering detailed guidance and links to resources for students and those working as advocates.  Focused on concrete steps that can be taken as an individual, a family, a community, and global society it showcases evidence-based approaches shown to be effective in preventing and stemming violence and fostering more compassionate communities.

Personal reflections by members of September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows are coupled with those from their partner organizations across the world whose members, directly affected by political violence, have also worked to turn their grief into actions for peace. It is an opportunity to learn from models such as schools in Columbine, CO who found restorative justice more effective than mandatory expulsion, the Afghan Peace Volunteers who invite all to join in their dedicated efforts to replace war and terror with friendship, and the Nonviolence Peaceforce that effectively staunches violence in countries around the world.

Launched as a partnership among September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows with sponsorship from both the Community Tool Box, a platform that serves 5.8 million users in 230 countries and has been translated into Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, French, Portuguese, and Russian, and the Charter for Compassion which engages hundreds of schools and communities worldwide, the resource will be widely available. You can help by sharing the site within your networks.

As we approach the 15th commemoration of the attacks of September 11th, 2001, let us dedicate ourselves to ensuring that no family in any part of the world has to experience the needless loss of a loved one to violence that could have been prevented. Promoting Peace will help us work to create a safer and more peaceful world for everyone.Φ

The Community Tool Box is a public service of the Work Group for Community Health and Development at the University of Kansas. The Work Group also provides a variety of services including technical assistance and training and participatory evaluation of community-based efforts.

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