Environment Oregon Kicks Off Ban the Bag Campaign

An island of trash twice the size of Texas in the Pacific Ocean is killing more than 1 million seabirds, 100,000 sea turtles and marine mammals, and countless fish each year. Plastic makes up 90 percent of this toxic soup, and four-fifths of that plastic, much of which is plastic bags, floats into the ocean from our rivers and harbors.
Environment Oregon thinks the way to begin addressing the problem is to stop using plastic grocery bags, as forty U.S. cities have already done. They want to make Oregon the first state to ban the bag.
You can help make protecting our oceans a priority for state leaders in Salem by sending them a message about banning plastic grocery bags in the next legislative session.

Contact: Nicole Forbes, Environment Oregon Field Organizer, action@environmentoregon.org. Click here for more information. Φ

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